Hey Everybody! Day 16 Down and what an interesting day it has been.
Like I said, Monica was in town this weekend. She came out to Detroit to visit and we got to go to see the Bears play the Detroit Lions in Ford Field today. The game was great. But the story in regards to my workout doesn't start or end there.
Last night I got to see the no-good piece of crap loser Cubs waste away the best team they've had in 30 years by losing 3 straight to the Dodgers and getting swept in the first round. That game didn't end until 1:30 am ET or so.
We woke up around 8:30 am today and had to be ready to leave the house by 10:00 am. That didn't leave a lot of time for Plyo. I committed myself to doing my Plyometrics today after I got home from the game.
So, we met some of my buddies, caravaned down to the stadium and got there around 11. The guys started tailgating, opening up the cooler and passing around the beer and chips. Well, I had water and one of my CLIF Builder's Bars. (I wasn't a total saint, I did have 2 Light Beers today for a grand total of 212 calories.)
We got to the game to see the Bears spank the Lions and win 34-7. The game ended at 4:05, but Monica's flight wasn't until almost 9 PM. Driving out to my place in the suburbs and heading back to the airport would have been stupid. So we met up with my buddy Chuck from college and hit up a restaurant. I had a soup and salad while I watched the entire table (including Monica) pack in some nachos and chicken strips. I'm proud of myself...its these little decisions that will get me where I want to be.
Well, I left and dropped Monica off at the airport around 7...I stopped by Trader Joe's to do some grocery shopping. I guess I was on the right track because the cashier commented on how healthy I must be. She said I had the most health conscious cart she checked out all day....no lie.
So, I got back to the apartment around 7:45 or so. I opened the door and noticed the coffee table pushed out of the living room. (I did this earlier in the day to be a visual cue for me not to slack off when I got home.)
So, I put away the groceries, changed my clothes and rocked out some Plyo X. Oh...Brad, I got 43 Jump Knee Tucks on the second time around. I think that will make your top 10 and I'll get more next time.
It wasn't my best workout. Being at the end of the day, my body didn't want to comply all the time. But I pushed through, and succeeded.
The biggest thing is that I Pushed Play...and I brought it!
Later folks...Bring IT!