So, this is a big switch for me. I've done P90X a few times, gone through good phases and bad phases. Starts, stops, burnouts and the like. For some time, its been a whole lot of nothing going on in my fitness routine.
Late this summer I was driving to work and out of the corner of my eye I saw a sign in a strip mall.
"Reckless CrossFit."
Now I've heard about CrossFit, and know several friends and acquaintances that have had amazing results from CrossFit. I've done the hole P90X vs CrossFit discussion online. I never was one to argue for or against. I've just seen some people get very "into" the discussion.
So, I found the gym's website, and I found the owner on facebook. She chatted with me and I set up a time for my first workout.
Now, having sat on my ass for 6 months not working out, doing my first CrossFit workout was a challenge. Yes, I puked.
But I came back and did the Seven "Foundations" classes and leanred the basics of the CrossFit movements. I have to say, I've been loving it. Before starting in late September my weight was about 221 lbs. (That's even higher than I was before starting P90X and this blog a few years ago...yikes!)
Today, I'm down to 214-215 lbs. So I'm losing about a pound a week with CrossFit. The one thing I love is the community aspect of the workouts. When I go to the gym, I see the same faces. They cheer me on, I cheer them on, and we hang out and talk about how we're doing. It's definitely a great environment.
Yesterday was a really amazing day in my CrossFit journey. I did something I never had tried before. I found my one rep max in a Sumo Dead lift. We started easy, 3 reps at 135, then 3 reps at 155 and so on and so on. Eventually we worked up to 1 rep sets. I did 255x1, 275x1 and finally my last rep was 305lbs. I've never even tried to lift anything that heavy before. My coach thought that I probably could have gotten at least 10-20 more lbs up since I didn't struggle all that much. But dropping that weight, and looking back at that much weight on the bar was impressive for me. It surely was a good moment...but I'll get even better.
So, this is a new chapter in my fitness journey. I will be a CrossFitter for the near future and who knows where it will take me.