
Tuesday, November 8, 2011


10 years ago I was a First Class (Senior) Cadet at the United States Air Force Academy.  While there were many requirements placed on us as cadets, one of these requirements I didn't take seriously enough was physical fitness. 

Sure, I met all the minimum standards, but I didn't take advantage of the vast resources around me as a cadet and actually get in great shape.  I was more concerned with sneaking out and riding my Harley I wasn't allowed to own or ride.

When the time came to take the PFT every semester, I kinda got through it.  I didn't do great, sometimes I did really poorly.  I just never excelled.

With my 10 year reunion coming up next fall, I have a goal.

I want to score above 450 (out of 500) on the Air Force Academy PFT when I'm at my reunion next fall.  As a cadet, I never scored higher than 355. 

The test consists of the following:

  1. Pull Ups
  2. Standing Long Jump
  3. Sit Ups
  4. Push Ups
  5. 600 yard run
Each event starts every 3 minutes.  So the entire test takes less than 15 minutes.

If I stay committed and keep working with CrossFit, that in a year's time this test will become rather simple.  But scoring a 450 will be tough.  I have a spreadsheet here that details everything, and it won't be simple.  Here's a basic table of min/max numbers.  To get 100 points per stage need to max that exercise.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

WOD: 11-03-2011

Today's WOD:

Warm Up:

Basic Stretch on own.


20 Minute AMRAP

10x Push Press @ 75 lbs. (Rx was 95 lbs but I knew I needed to lower the weight for 20 minutes)
20x Sit Up
30x Jump Rope Singles

I managed to finish 10 rounds exactly.  My first few round were about a minute and 45 seconds or so.  My reps started to slow down a bit after that.  I finished my 9th round at around exactly 18 minutes on the clock so I picked it up and made sure to knock out my last round in the final 2 minutes.  Finished the last round with 5 seconds to spare but not enough time to get set up on the bar for more push presses.

Overall a great WOD.  Definitely was sweating like a pig at the end of that one.  One note, my jump ropes are getting better. Got my own speed rope last week and have been practicing a bit.  I'm not able to string together Double-Unders yet, but I can do a  Single, single, double, single, single, double pattern for a few reps.  It's a good improvement in the jump rope arena and I'll be stringing doubles together in no time.

Will be going back tomorrow for Friday's WOD giving me 3 workouts in a row for this week.

Been Feeling "Reckless" lately

So, this is a big switch for me.  I've done P90X a few times, gone through good phases and bad phases.  Starts, stops, burnouts and the like.  For some time, its been a whole lot of nothing going on in my fitness routine. 

Late this summer I was driving to work and out of the corner of my eye I saw a sign in a strip mall.  "Reckless CrossFit." 

Now I've heard about CrossFit, and know several friends and acquaintances that have had amazing results from CrossFit.  I've done the hole P90X vs CrossFit discussion online. I never was one to argue for or against.  I've just seen some people get very "into" the discussion.

So, I found the gym's website, and I found the owner on facebook.  She chatted with me and I set up a time for my first workout.

Now, having sat on my ass for 6 months not working out, doing my first CrossFit workout was a challenge.  Yes, I puked. 

But I came back and did the Seven "Foundations" classes and leanred the basics of the CrossFit movements.  I have to say, I've been loving it.  Before starting in late September my weight was about 221 lbs.  (That's even higher than I was before starting P90X and this blog a few years ago...yikes!)

Today, I'm down to 214-215 lbs.  So I'm losing about a pound a week with CrossFit.  The one thing I love is the community aspect of the workouts.  When I go to the gym, I see the same faces.  They cheer me on, I cheer them on, and we hang out and talk about how we're doing.  It's definitely a great environment.

Yesterday was a really amazing day in my CrossFit journey. I did something I never had tried before.  I found my one rep max in a Sumo Dead lift.  We started easy, 3 reps at 135, then 3 reps at 155 and so on and so on.  Eventually we worked up to 1 rep sets.  I did 255x1, 275x1 and finally my last rep was 305lbs.  I've never even tried to lift anything that heavy before.  My coach thought that I probably could have gotten at least 10-20 more lbs up since I didn't struggle all that much.  But dropping that weight, and looking back at that much weight on the bar was impressive for me.  It surely was a good moment...but I'll get even better.

So, this is a new chapter in my fitness journey.  I will be a CrossFitter for the near future and who knows where it will take me.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 3, Shoulders and Arms

This is going to be a tough week for me for 2 reasons. 
  1. I'm starting P90X this week after a long layoff.
  2. This is one of the weeks every so often that I need to cover the office at my job.
See, we have a real small office.  My companies HQ is in Rockford, but I work out of our Chicago sales office.  Due to the economy, streamlining etc, we only have 4 people in the office.  As our main office administrator needs to be in training for the week, I am filling in for her.  Now, I'm in sales and normally only in the office one or two days a week. So, a 55 mile one way trip into my office sucks, but is manageable when I only have to do it once a week.

When it becomes a 5-day a week trip, its stressful.  But here's what I'm thinking.  If I can manage to get a full week of P90X in without any missed workouts this week, then how much easier will it be in later weeks when I don't have the challenges of a 3 hour commute each day.

Last night, I got home, and went straight into shoulders and arms.  I'm not using the same weight that I used to.  But, I picked slightly lighter weight then previous runs of P90X and focused on quality form throughout.

Ab Ripper X still sucks.  I "presently struggle with" most of the exercises.  I have a weak lower back and long legs.  Moves like "fifer scissors" absolutely tear me up.  I have terrible form, can't get full vertical extension with my legs, and can't even keep up.  I'll definitely improve, but this move has always been my weak spot.

Diet yesterday was good.  Monica and I signed up for a grocery shopping and meal planning service called e-Mealz.  It's a great service.  Not only can you save money on food for your family by having a thoughtful planning list for your both your meals and shopping list, you can get healthy too.  We are currently enrolled in their "Wal-Mart Low Carb meal plan for 2."  This provides us a shopping list and meal planning for the entire week.  We're saving money and have good, quality low carb meal choices to choose from.  Last night's dinner was a cream cheese egg dish.  It tasted great. 

Well, that's all for now.  Back to work.  Yoga X tonight. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Weight gain during men???

A British research firm is reporting that the average weight gained during pregnancy is 14 pounds — and that’s by the babies’ fathers.

According to a NY Times article found here the average man gains 14 pounds (or one stone if you're reading this in the U.K.) during their partner's pregnancy.

Guess what?  I'm average. 

Yup, I don't know what it was.  During Monica's pregnancy I gained right along side her.  I put on about 14 lbs exactly.  I didn't watch what I ate, we ate out more because we realized that after Kylie was born opportunities to eat out would be few and far between.  There's a whole list of excuses, but they are all lame.

So, here I am.  Father of an amazingly cute 4 month old baby and pants that are a bit tight.  Isn't she cute?

Good news though, I've got a plan to take off the added weight.  I'm on day 3 of another round of P90X.  I'm around 212 lbs right now.  It's funny, because I now weigh almost exactly what I did way before I ever started P90X in 2008.  However, I can tell my body composition isn't the same.  I have more muscle now than I did back then.  So, the 212-215 lbs I'm at now is not the same body as the 212-215 I was back in 2008.  So at least I've got that going for me.

First couple days of this round have really beaten me up.  I'm taking my own advice that I've given others starting out.  Don't feel bad if you can't keep up.  If the first time through Plyo you're totally killed after 35 minutes take that as a small victory that you made it that far.  Don't think of it as a failure, think of it as an accomplishment compared to the "you" that was sitting on the couch last week.

So, I'll be back here blogging regularly about this round of P90X.  Can't wait to bring it all over again.
